Monday 28 February 2011

Tuk tuk adventure

Haven`t done much this week except learn, study, eat and drink! But yesterday we went on a trip on a tuk tuk along the Mekong, in fact across the river and visited some of the villages. We left at 8 30 and got back about 2 30. Here are some carts crossing the Kizuna Bridge. (Sorry picture insists on being above text for some reason!)
As you can see the houses are on stilts as the river floods each year.
The people live above and the animals live below.

Transporting tobacco leaves.

Harvesting peanuts-backbreaking work!

These are the peanuts. I must admit I`ve never thought about how peanuts grow.

                                      Two of our tuk tuks

Another photo of tobacco. You can see how dusty it is. He is wearing a krama, a piece of cotton which is worn by men and women as a scarf or hat. We visited a lady who was actually weaving this cotton.

I am having trouble uploading photos so I will stop now but there is more to come...


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