Saturday 12 February 2011

First days in Cambodia

.I met up with the rest of the volunteers at Heathrow and had a few drinks to calm the nerves. Had a good flight and after a few hours in Bangkok Airport caught the smallest plane I`ve ever been on to Phnom Penh.
Flight was fine and we were met by someone from the VSO office who helped us with our visas.
A short taxi ride later we arrived at the office where we had a short meeting and eventually went to bed. I didn`t actually sleep too badly and we didn`t have to be up until 10!!
Had a couple of introductory sessions and met the rest of the staff who are all lovely. In the evening we met for a welcome drink and snacks and then went to a bar for a for a drink.
This morning we went for a Cyclo ride to familiarise ourselves with Phnom Penh. A cyclo is a bicycle at the back with a seat like an easy chair on the front where the passenger sits. Well everything I have heard about the Cambodian traffic system or lack of it was true and how none of us got killed I do not know. Motorbikes(and there are A LOT) and cars come at you from both sides and they don`t actually stop at traffic lights!!. It is terryfying!! My driver decided to take me on a different route at one time untill I shouted "No! No!"and pointed where the others had gone!! Quite scary!! We saw most of the sights and went to The Central and the Russian Market. I managed to get a charger for my camera which I had managed to leave at home.Even for someone who likes shopping as much as I do the Russian Market was a nightmare and we couldn`t wait to get out and de stress with an iced coffee.
Tonight we have been to a cinema/media centre and watched two films.One was by a group of school children who did everything but edit the film. They were sitting at the front and were so polite and well behaved. The 2nd was about a Cambodian girl who was HIV who fell in love with a German boy. That was good too and showed Phnom Penh quite well especially the traffic!!
Just having a cup of tea and writing this as most of the others went to watch the Rugby in a bar.
Well as you can see my first few days in Cambodia have been busy and eventful.
I wonder what the next 18 months hold?!

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