Monday 28 February 2011

Tuk tuk adventure part2

The plants and trees were covered in red dust and how the women managed to get their clothes clean I do not know! We got covered in it and this is a picture of our feet(mine in middle) when we took our sandals off to go in a temple.

The temple was one of the few wooden temples left after the Pol Pot regime and Gideon showed us a pillar that had been damaged by his machete or whatever he used. Another one was damaged by termites which was not quite so interesting. Apparantly PP was mad cos he couldn`t stay in the Temple because the spirits were angry ! I don`t blame them!

The outside of the Temple and the inside....

We crossed this bridge and then stopped to give these children some sweets. as you can see they have lovely smiles.

We all got on this ferry to go over to the island where we visited a Muslim village but I did not like to take any photos there.

We came across a school which was completely unsecured and had cows grazing in the grounds. We went into one of the classrooms and this was it. A whiteboard and the oldest desks I`ve ever seen. The biggest classroom we saw had room for 56 children. there was no vandalism and no graffitti. Nothing to steal mind you!
We came back across the Bamboo Bridge which is as its name implies made of bamboo. It is taken down every year when the river floods and rebuilt when it subsides. It is an amazing experience because obviously it" gives" as you cross it and it makes a weird noise.

Anyway that`s the end of my tour. It was quite an experience!

This is a photo of a mango that fell off a tree and nearly hit me on the head while I was fiddling with my bike. However I got my revenge and took it back to the hotel and ate it. It was delicious and so much nicer than the half ripe or over ripe ones you get in the UK.

This is an example of how much a Cambodian can get on a bike!


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