Saturday 9 April 2011

Life in Kratie

I was supposed to start work this week but after a 20 minute meeting with the director, I was told the college was shutting for 3 weeks for New Year and to come back on the 21st April! It`ll be time to come home before I`ve started work. Still I am making the most of it and on Wednesday I am going to meet up with my language group in Siem Reap for 4 days! I am travelling with 3 other volunteers from here so that will make the journey better.
After staying a couple of days with another volunteer I have finally moved into my own house. It is very handy for the market, near other volunteers and close to the river.
This is it! I have the upstairs and the landord and his wife live downstairs.
My balcony
  These are photos of the inside.
My cooking facilities!

Its lovely to be able to have ice and to keep things fresh!

I don`t have hot water and the pressure is very low at the moment but it is nice to have a proper shower!

The chairs I bought in Phnom Penh note the 70`s lino!!

This is looking in from the front door. As you can see I am going for the minimalist look!!

Anyway the house is nice but it is quite noisy but I think that is part of Cambodian life. They don`t seem to notice noise!
Sunday am.
Having said about the noise I was kept awake by dogs barking and loud music last night and woken at 4 30 by chanting monks and my neighbour(God knows what he was doing!) However I did get back to sleep until 6 30 when everyone is up and banging!!

This is sunset over Koh Trong
Yesterday I cycled around the island opposite Kratie called Koh Trong with another volunteer. We went over on the ferry and hired a bike on the island. It was lovely and shady and peaceful ,except for the wedding on the island and the noise of the one on the opposite bank! It was very rural although I did spot a satellite dish!

A bamboo pathway up the beach on Koh Trong

These people were washing clothes in the river!
Bananas growing. The flowers are beautiful and used in cooking.

The Beach.

Anyway thats all I`ve got for now. Will try and blog more regularly now I am settled.


  1. Wonderful photos! Do you have a postal address yet where I can send a copious supply of ear plugs?!

  2. It looks amazing! That's pretty much what I thought your house was like from what I saw through the webcam. I hope you enjoy your trip to Siem Reap - are you meeting the guys you did your classes with in Phnom Penh? Hope you have a lovely time. Lots of love. xx
