Sunday 6 March 2011

Mekong river trip

This morning we cycled to the market which sells material amongst other things and some people bought some material to make some workclothes. I didn`t get anything as I`m not sure yet what I will need. The weather is very hot today(33 degrees) and the market is very hot and stuffy!
This afternoon we went on a boat trip up the river organised by one of our favourite restaurants. We went up the mekong where we saw all the houseboats/floating villages.

It is amazing that people actually live likethis but they seem very happy and always call out "hello" and wave1

We stopped at a village where we met some more beautiful children!

These two were sitting at the desk in the school, which was literally a shelter with no walls and a couple of really old desks. We gave them some lollipops and every one of them said thank you unlike a lot of children in Bristol I could name!

This is the "school" and to think we moaned if the internet was down!! They have literally nothing not even a board!!

This is the boat we went on and I was very relieved to see that we all had a life jacket. As Cambodia seems a little lax on health and safety rules this was a plus!

This is a mill which they still use inthe village!

This is an ox cart which they still use in the rural communities. It is quite a contrast to the Lexus` and 4 wheel drives wich the well off and NGOs use!

This shows the high water level when the Mekong floods in the wet season! Its incredible how high the river comes!

Anyway I had a brilliant day even though I did get a bit burnt as it was soooo hot!! When we got back we had a few beers and my usual mee chaa chi moy ban lie or fried noodles with vegetables. I have this a lot and have hardly eaten meat since I arrived!

Must go and do some language work now!


  1. Is that the sort of school you're going to be working in in Kratie? Sounds like you had a lovely day, thanks for the photos. xx

  2. Just caught up with your blog! The photos are great & it sounds like you're having an amazing time. But where are the photos of you? Or are you looking to much like a red lobster?
    X J
